if i am to be hired by the University and and be given the chance to resolve the internet problem, then it would really be a great opportunity. oh well, here are some of the things that i would consider in fixing the problem.
1. computer - of course even if the internet is fast and the computers aren't able to give a piece of contentment, then users cant still appreciate the internet service provided by the university. and as i observed, a faster and more efficient computer is able to perform fast internet browsing and loading rather than using a slow computer and working on minimal memory capacity. and as for the performance of the computer, if it is fast then we are on to supporting the green campus computing. as i discussed in my green campus computing article, a fester and more efficient computer would would help minimize the work time which can help save energy(that causes CO2 emission). and this also gives time for the others to avail of the computers in labs for they can finish there task earlier and give way for the waiting students.
2.bandwidth distribution - as what I've learned from amigoas internet cafe(and as well practiced in other cafes) they divide the bandwidth for each computer. in each computer, an allotted BW is given so the streaming and loading will be well distributed. through this no one will be prioritized, everyone is equal. but this is an option if ever the system isn't implemented yet in the university.
3.open the wi-fi connection - this is ridiculous, usep is putting up a restricted wi-fi? say!! for what? for employees who got their own table an a computer? this must be unrestricted. while labs cant accommodate all students at a time, others could use a little benefit from the wireless network.
4.open a new internet connection provided for the wi-fi - if the internet connection of wi-fi and wired connection is shared, wi-fi will be useless, for there will be a tendency that the wi-fi connection will be as slow as dial-up connection or even worse.
5.open all sites for browsing - wheres the essence of internet if browsing is limited to some sites only. of course im not telling that it should be open to gambling and porn sites too for this are too reasonable to be restricted for students.
for now this are some of my ideas. there are still many things to learn and a lot to create for resolutions. this are all based from my observations, case studies and rationalizing.